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Live on Purpose
Everyone has their own story. We all experience sudden loss or change. In those moments, life reminds us of how fragile it is. One day it seems so sure, just to be taken or changed in the blink of an eye. However life has decided to remind you of its fleeting nature, the lesson learned is always the same...We only get one life and it will always end.
A successful life isn’t measured by how much money you finish with, how many people know your name, or how high you climbed the ladder. No one remembers those things. The marker of a successful, well lived life is one lived with no regrets. The dream is to be able to look back at the end, whenever that is, and be able to smile. Remembering that an end is real drives us to make our today more important. Living intentionally, meaningfully, and purposefully becomes a habit. Live each day with no regrets and never forget that Tomorrow’s Never Promised!